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Another System of International Relations

Created date

Thursday, September 30, 2004 - 15:37

The current international system is forcing the adjustment of every society to adapt the global market and to its dominant logic; it is barring all paths to social transformation. The search for alternatives to the transformation of every society requires another international system. To move along in the definition of a strategy, the author proposes guidelines organized around two imperatives: a new global constitution founded on global democracy; a global social contract founded on the respect and guarantee of rights, civil as well as political, economic, social, and cultural.
The guidelines for global democracy and a global social contract give direction and perspective for building a new foundation for the international UN system. The proposal is to take as a strategic vector for their implementation the movements and the fights for the democratization of international relations. Let us mention five: the fights and movements for international law, for debt cancellation, for an international taxing system, for corporate social and environmental responsibility, and for the reform of the international financial institutions.

Leaning on the fights for democratization, a radical platform for an international system can be proposed. It includes: democratization of the institutions that are to implement international regulations; the institution of arbitration bodies and efficient recourses; an international claims system open to court referral by citizen organizations; the fight against impunity made a priority in the international system; the effective integration into the United Nations system of the international financial and trade institutions - the IMF, the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, and the WTO; a new global architecture possibly founded on regional cooperation ensembles and a system of regional representation; obligation of agreements and international pacts, and for all international institutions to respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Source: L'autre campagne

Attached files rtf_0096_Un_autre_systeme_de_relations_internationales-2.rtf ( B)