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20. Greetings!

We hate to say this, but despite outstanding figures worldwide, sweeping regional and global grassroots movements, sincere attempts by our conventional international institutions, convincing local experimentation with new social and economic models, and far-reaching innovative thinking in favor of our common interest, the odds we are facing are terrifying, and on the ground the present is dismal, with every kind of war being waged by the powerful few on the rest of us. Here at the FnWG, we are looking to the future, the immediate and the not-too-distant future. A new world governance is imperative to save our species. Its forms have been largely and diversely explored, as reflected in the very rich content of our Web site. But how do we get there? The paths are many. In this issue, we are drawing your attention to three Proposal Papers you may have missed and are still critically current. We also need new concepts, like “cosmopolitarian.” We need to form as many alliances as possible, such as with the European Union when it’s thinking “inclusive” and “sustainable.” We each need to act, do anything within our scope, so we are suggesting that you take part in the UN My World survey. Together, we forge on. Enjoy!

FnWG Team